Осветляющий крем My Blonde


Кремовая Текстура С Молниеносным Действием

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PROSIL® мой светловолосый крем Осветляющий крем для волос. Подходит для всех методов осветления: мелирование, балаяж, шатуш, обесцвечивание и смывка цвета. Его особая кремообразная текстура с высоким косметическим действием обеспечивает лёгкость нанесения и стойкость на волосах, способствует транспортировке натуральных активных ингредиентов для осветления до 6-7 тонов. Его инновационная формула, усиленная комплексом Hydra-Lock на основе пчелиного воска и кукурузного белка, обеспечивает питание и увлажнение волос во время процедуры.


Вес500 г



Blue, White

Active Ingridients

BEESWAX: Given its particular composition, beeswax has various properties that allow it to be widely used in various sectors.
In detail, the beeswax is equipped with:

Emollient properties;
Water-repellent and protective properties (since it forms a sort of film on the surface on which it is applied);
Emulsifying and viscosifying properties.
Furthermore, in ancient times it was believed that beeswax also had healing properties and, for this reason, it was applied hot (then melted) on wounds, in order to facilitate healing.
However, in all likelihood, beeswax could facilitate wound healing, not because it has real healing properties, but because it is capable of creating a barrier capable of protecting the wound from the external environment, while preventing development of any infections.

Corn Proteins: Hydrolyzed water-soluble corn protein obtained through the action of a selected enzyme pool capable of producing a high level of free amino acids and small peptides. Rich in free amino acids and small peptides MAYSOL gives a high substantivity on the hair and is particularly suitable for the formulation of products intended for hair care. It is miscible in any proportion with water and compatible with ionic and non-ionic surfactant solutions.


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